The RC&D Council continues its evolution into a multi-agency supported "rural development with an environmental twist" volunteer group. Project work completed in 1997 not only resulted in local benefits, but is providing area wide application.
1997 Completed Projects
- Riparian Zone - This project established fencing stream crossings and alternative watering sources to livestock producers to help them protect the water quality in a three county region. (Temporarily extended) (pic) (pic)
- Shielded Sprayer - The project provided a shielded sprayer for farmers which allows them to safely post direct spray no-till crops. This in turn increases the acceptability of no-till farming which reduces off site environmental damage from sediment and ag chemicals. (pic)
- Hay Mulching to Stabilize Sediment Producing Areas - Increased the awareness of the need for protecting exposed soil on small urban construction sites. (pic)
- FAWN (Forestry Awareness Week Now) 1997 - Continued to promote proper natural resource utilization by supporting FAWN activities area wide.
- Facilitate County Forestry Planning Committee Information Activities - The Council continued to support the establishment of Forestry Planning Committees.
- Portable Timber Bridge/Forestry Best Management Practices - This project with the Morgan County Forestry Planning Committee, established a Forestry BMP demonstration forest which featured road construction and a portable timber bridge. Auburn University's Steve Taylor designed this unique bridge. (pic)
- Crayfish Workshop - A training session and on-site workshop on Crayfish production was held - No further activity planned.
- Beautify the Tennessee Valley - Flowers and vegetable seeds were provided for community projects across the Valley.
- Composting Demo & Seminar - This project provided a compost turner and technical assistance to farmers to help them make a more marketable poultry litter product - compost. An Education seminar was also given on composting.
- Lagoon Renovating Agitate Pumpout Dragline - We completed another year of recycling animal waste manure by using our agitation and irrigation system.
- Owens Crossroads Recreation Area - To improve the town of Owens Crossroads quality of life we assisted the town in dugout repairs, critical area stabilization and fencing on their community recreation area. (pic)
Grants Secured and Currently in Progress
- Constructed wetlands monitoring. Assisted Alabama A&M in securing funds to monitor urban constructed wetlands in the Tennessee Valley. Also, set up three tours for university and out of state groups to study the existing wetlands. Secured written commitments from the University of Alabama at Huntsville for monitoring assistance.
- Oil Gas Separator - Secured a $20,000 ADEM grant to install separators in urban areas.
- Alternative On-Site Treatment of Domestic Sewage - Secured a Legacy grant of $10,000 plus to develop and install the "next generation" Reciprocating Constructed Wetland system for domestic sewage.
- Squinty Flinty - Secured a $1800 grant from the USFS and a $250 grant from the Solutia Corporation. to develop and deliver an environmental education program to elementary students.
- Worm Composters - $5,000 grant from Legacy, Inc. to deliver education programs to elementary schools approved.
- Project W.I.N.G.S - $30,000 grant from the Joe Wheeler Electric Co-op to establish wildlife plantings under power R.O.W. secured.
- Huntsville Botanical Gardens - $8,000 from local sources and from Stalite Corporations to establish a constructed wetlands demonstration.

Introduction --- Resource Conservation and Development in Alabama
RC&D in Alabama depends on the leadership abilities and unique skills within the
communities it serves. That is why so many worthwhile projects have been undertaken
and accomplished throughout the state.
A significant accomplishment of RC&D is the rekindling of community spirit.
There are so many ways to describe RC&D; however, it is basically people doing things
for other people. Local people identifying their problems and opportunities and dealing
with them, with a little help from the government and others
The RC&D Councils in Alabama are proud of their accomplishments; however,
there is much yet that can be done to make our communities a better place to live. The
Association is dedicated to protection, enhancing, and developing the state's natural and
human resources.
ALA-TOM Johnny Flowers, Chair Norman Burton, Coordinator Gilmore Building
127A Clarke Street Grove Hill, AL 36451 (334) 275-3186 |
MID-SOUTH Betty Helms, Chair Charlie McAlpine, Coordinator 5900 Carmichael Place
Montgomery, AL 36117 (334) 270-5504
TENNESSEE VALLEY Robert Harbison, Chair Mike Roden, Coordinator 4511 US Highway 31 South
Decatur, AL 35603 (205) 353-6l46
CAWACO Charles Morton, Chair Paul Kennedy, Coordinator Magnolia Office Park, Suite 220
2112 11th Avenue South Birmingham. AL 35205-2863 (205) 251-8139 |
NORTHWEST Larry Jackson, Chair Teresa Stewart, Coordinator 503 State Street, Suite 9
Muscle Shoals. AL 35661 (205) 383-1446
TOMBIGBEE Micky Smith, Chair Mike Cornett, Coordinator Federal Building, Room 208
1118 Greensboro Avenue Tuscaloosa. AL 35401 (205) 759-1649 |
GULF COAST William America, Chair Roland Perry, Coordinator 107 Courthouse Square
Bay Minette, AL 36507 (334) 580-0195 |
COOSA VALLEY Glenn Hawkins, Chair Ron Burdette, Coordinator 917 Snow Street
Oxford, AL 36203 (205) 835-0774 |
WIREGRASS Gwen Kelley, Chair Doug Ward, Coordinator 411 Deese Street
Ozark, AL 36360 (334) 774-2334 |

The Alabama Association of RC&D Councils is an association of the nine local councils that cover the
State of Alabama. The purpose of this association is to:
- Encourage communication and the exchange of ideas among the Councils.
- Lead and assist on statewide projects.
- Provide a focal point and a unified voice for RC&D in Alabama.
- Offer education and training for local council members.
The Alabama Association of RC&D Councils holds an annual meeting for all Alabama RC&D council
members. An executive committee, comprised of the nine council chairs or their representatives meets
quarterly or as needed to accomplish the mission of the association. The state association has functioned
since 1982 and was incorporated in 1994.
Activities carried out by the Association in 1997 include:
- The annual meeting in Florence in April of 1997 was attended by more than 150 council members and others.
- The Association assisted in the coordination of environmental education projects funded by
the Alabama Department of Environmental management and local sponsors.
- The Association led the effort to offer the Envirothon environmental education program,
sponsored by the National Envirothon Committee, and The National Association of
Conservation Districts, to the school children of Alabama.
- The Association entered into an agreement to promote the Clean Vessel Act and Marina Pumpout Training.
- The Association was included in the General Fund budget for the first time receiving
$300,000 as a line item in the State Committee Budget.
- The Association took an active role in a partnership with rural Development to restore
economic vitality to rural areas.
- The Association continued its active participation in projects to develop economically
feasible alternatives to large scale agricultural businesses, to provide rural small holders with
a way to make a living.
- The Association is actively working with the Rural Volunteer Firefighters Association to
promote rural fire protection.
Source of Support for RC&D Projects in 1997