Powerlifting World Record Curl 1975

October 26th, 1974.  Rod Kellogg, Midori Yama Budokai, 6th Degree Black Belt Instructor breaks World Record in Powerlifting 

Von Braun Civic Center Huntsville, Alabama.  Weighing in at 164 pounds, Kellogg broke the previous record a 170 lb strict curl, set by Ron Collins of Great Britain.  Kellogg's 185 pound strict curl exceeded the old record by some 15 lbs and was 21 lbs over his bodyweight.  

As of 2005 some 31 years later his record still stands.

Rod Kellogg more recent powerlifting results

Midori Yama Budokai
Armed Forces Combat Training - Page 27 through 31 - Chikara Age Kai


Midori Yama Budokai October 1975 announcement
from the Huntsville Times, Huntsville, Alabama