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Viewer Comments Page

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2003 2:09 AM
Subject: "The Grand Canyon Trip 2003"

Good to see you guys Monday!  It made my week!  Makes me homesick for Alabama, though!  It's warming up here this weekend (into triple digits) and we may break some records, so you had good timing.  Hope the rest of your trip has been exciting.  Too bad it's almost over--I won't have any exciting pictures to look at!  I'm sure you're ready to be back home, though, and you may even be there by now.  Well, take care and we'll go to the cowboy bar next time!

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2003 5:25 PM
Subject: "The Grand Canyon Trip 2003"

Jenny just came by the office and is ready to join you for the last miles ... you certainly are impressing your Sevier County friends!!  She's blown away by your web site.  The pictures are beautiful, but I've missed your report today.  I'll tune it tomorrow to catch up. 
Jenny says to tell you the biggest news at the creek is that Roscoe is having "butt-tumors" removed on Monday.  Let's pray the vet gives him a bath, too. 
More later.
Patsy and Jenny

----- Original Message -----

Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2003 6:27 PM
Subject: "The Grand Canyon Trip 2003"

Hey "Big Boy"...Miss your help on the farm.
Luv Ya Man!!

----- Original Message -----

Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2003 1:34 PM
Subject: "The Grand Canyon Trip 2003"

WOW!!!!!!!!!  The pictures from Monday are WONDERFUL!!  Time you your life  guys.  Are you already planning a trip for next year?  Lots of folks where asking about the trip at the Tuesday night dinner (Cactus Cafe-yum yum!)  I e-mailed Doug and Tom the website again so that can join the fun of watching your day by day journey.
Oh by the way I wanted to make sure Rod knew that his boys were busy Shrimp Fest. Flying high-at least Sunday.
Sue says no cows out yet and all is good in Elberta.
Take care and be safe and we'll be watchin'.
Boo & Diane

----- Original Message -----

Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2003 9:05 AM
Subject: "The Grand Canyon Trip 2003"

Your daily script is better than "The Mountain Press", and your photos are award-winning!  Why don't we get the same news from Gulf Shores?!!!  We all love that you made it to the Grand Canyon in such style and, seriously, the pictures are beautiful; can't wait to see more.  But you'll be in for a treat when you get to your home county as well.  The leaves are turning and it is getting very beautiful around here.  Rich and I drove through Cherokee last Tuesday and had almost no color; this weekend we went to Greenville, South Carolina and the drive over was exquisite.  We plan another drive in a few days to see "peak" in our mountains, so we'll share a glimpse of that with you since you're so far away. 
All is calm on the home-front, so you'll just have to enliven us with all your "Out West" stories - and exaggeration is allowed!!!  Thanks for all the news.  It makes my morning to read of a young man's western travels.  Take care and we all hope to see you soon.

----- Original Message -----
From: eckman
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2003 9:17 PM
Subject: "The Grand Canyon Trip 2003"
You need to call Bonner. He has a question about one of the airplanes. Well ya'll keep between the lines. Keep the pics coming.
----- Original Message -----
From: Hayes
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2003 9:16 PM
Subject: "The Grand Canyon Trip 2003"

That's ok BJ, don't let 'em bully you!  :)  Sounds like yesterday was quite awesome.  Thanks for the daily photos.  We love 'em.  Keep yourselves safe now.  Love, Vickie and Pape

----- Original Message -----
From: "Amanda Albright" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2003 11:11 AM
Subject: to the biker boys

> Hey BJ and guys!
> Well, here's another message to tell you that your trip is being
> enjoyed in War Eagle Land!  I love the commentary and Brannon is
> loving the pics of the bikes!
> Keep it coming and ride safe!  But not too safe!!
> love
> Amanda

----- Original Message -----
From: Ronica Burt
Sent: Sunday, October 12, 2003 7:21 PM
Subject: "The Grand Canyon Trip 2003"
hey guys its Mac(nicki's good lookin son),
    I like this site allot the pix of the deer are really cool. Anyway we miss you guys. We'll be checking up every day on yall. So keep on  truckin.
P.s. You guys ROCK!!!!!!!
P.s. I just thought I would let you know mom only cooks for you. I'M TIRED OF SANDWICHES
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2003 12:09 AM
Subject: "The Grand Canyon Trip 2003"

Hey!  hope you guys get this tonight.  Got Dave's phone message but had my cell turned off.  I'll keep it on tomorrow and hope to hear from you guys.  Are you planning to stay around Phoenix tomorrow night?  I work from 9-5:30 but will keep the cell on.  I LOVED seeing the pics from the weekend.  Some great posed ones, and awesome scenery!  Rod, you stick out like a sore thumb between the other two decked out in all the leather!  Well, hope to see you tomorrow!

----- Original Message -----

To: <>
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2003 2:42 AM
Subject: "The Grand Canyon Trip 2003"

Dear Rod,

I was just writing to say "Rod you looks incredibly sexy on dem motocIcles ..... "

I'm sorry it has taken me so long to write,
but I find it is very hard to type when I am
...... (editorial out-take from the Movie Anger Management")

Thank you so much for your time... and you guys keep havin a great time !

Rod's biggest fan,
Walter Johnson ...
aka... brudda Jeremy Lincoln
aka Hulk
aka Future Tide Linebacker / Safety / wherever coach Shula puts me

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2003 8:14 PM
Subject: "The Grand Canyon Trip 2003" 2003"

Hi ya'll...Shane and I are following your trip...he is so envious..i told him when he gets old like ya'll he can travel too!, there is no shame in shipping that bike home and flying for the return trip if your back is still out! I would probably do that anyway, back problems or not! Are your bootys sore yet?!!!! Be careful, Nicki I will see you Nov. 1, I might get back to AL before you! Traci  

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2003 8:35 PM
Subject: "The Grand Canyon Trip 2003"

Greetings to the 3 Horseman-
Great to hear that you all are back on the road. Keep on riding with the wind. Enjoy the beautiful scenery and grandiose landscapes. My students enjoy keeping track of your adventure on the webpage. They truly enjoyed meeting each of you. I know they all learned something new, even if it was about a "poker run." Thanks for stopping by and hope you enjoyed the visit. Remember, you can always come back to the world's largest time machine and relive your Seward experience. Until then keep on rockin in the free world.
Back in the Cornfields
P.S. The $25 piano is still there.
----- Original Message -----
From: eckman
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 7:54 PM
Subject: "The Grand Canyon Trip 2003"

Hey Old Man,
Mom wanted me to tell you that she is worried sick about you. Hope you get to feeling better. Everything is good at  the farm and the banner field.
PS: Rod you better take care of my old man! The banner field has been picking up extremely with shrimp fest.

----- Original Message -----
From: Hayes
Sent: Saturday, October 11, 2003 8:19 PM
Subject: "The Grand Canyon Trip 2003"

Hi guys!
Happy Dave, that you are back in the saddle again!  Take care of yourself (all 3 of you).
BJ - we love the pictures and commentary.  Can't wait to see the Grand Canyon through your viewfinder.
We're just buildin' fences (literally, not figuratively) here at home.  Arnie is back so is now helping Pape.  I'm gettin' pretty good at them myself however.
Be careful and happy trails to you all!!
Pape and Vickie

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 2:49 PM
Subject: "The Grand Canyon Trip 2003"

Hey there Old Man and boys....glad to hear that your back is better.  Rod and Nick you need to watch out for him..he is hard-headed at times.  Is the weather been good for bad rainstorms.  I so wish that I could do a trip like that right now.  I just have to wait till i finished with other things...then maybe i won't be to old and i will be able to travel west!!!  Anyways take it easy and a big War Eagle for this Sat.
Daniel Eckman   
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 9:05 AM
Subject: "The Grand Canyon Trip 2003"

B.J.:  I'm in my office today and totally enjoying the pictures and especially the "Script"!    Nathaniel sends his greetings and his excitement says it for all of us:  "Oh - Oh - Oh -Oh"  .  We all miss you, and if your Mom can't stir up enough food on the farm, she can have our help.  We can feed you whatever you want:  Tina and Rich sold two truckloads of hay so you probably have some kind of claim on that income!!! 
Your "Out West Trip" is bringing wonderful memories of Eric.  What wonderful experiences and how wise to venture out and see this beautiful country.  I hope the Big Sky country is being good to you;  we're going to miss being out there this year so we'll certainly enjoy it through your eyes. 
You be safe and we'll see you when you get home.Love/Patsy and ALL

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 4:23 PM
Subject: "The Grand Canyon Trip 2003"

Hang in there Big Dave.  The other guys are going to have all the fun!!  Hope you feel better soon and get back on the big 1800 and hit the roads.  Boo is sick seeing you guys adventures and the wonderful pictures make it even worse-so keep sending them-hahahaha
Take care and come home safe!
Boo & Diane

----- Original Message -----
From: "John Hayes" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 8:02 PM
Subject: big trip
 Hope this finds you- my computer won't let me click to send comments from the web site, so I'm sending it through hotmail
we've enjoyed sharing the ride. espacially glad you're liking your bike in the VASTNESS, BJ.
Deb says: she's glad it was a bird that you tangled with and not that pronghorn but then she'll say anything. Rest the back, dave I hear snow from above 9,000 feet applied directly through the seat of your pants works best, maybe one of the guys can help with that.

John and Debbie and the morons

----- Original Message -----
From: Matt Eckman
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 4:08 PM
Subject: message from before hurt back warning rod!

this was a message i sent a couple of days ago but never made it.
whats up bikers? i am enjoying the web-site and comments. lauton, daniel
and i, envy you guys especially since we are full-time college students
and dream of freeing our minds.  well dad and niki you finally get to
getaway from the women and whippersnappers so enjoy it!  the only
excitement i've had is seeing mikhal gorbachev speak last night and
tests.  oh yeah all of ya tennesse fans out there war eagle! i was
there.  keep the pics and info coming rod.   
be careful and have a blast ~matthew eckman (one of big dave's son)

p.s. dont push them to hard, rod you got an over the hill with ya j/k
hope you feel better ol'man the youth group prayed for ya last night!
going home this weekend to help mom (cheer for the Auburn game)
 and play with Buck!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 8:34 PM
Subject: "The Grand Canyon Trip 2003"

Hey Dave...Hang in there man. Sorry about the back situation. Have had my share of "Back" days. A good nights sleep and a Budweiser or two or three or four will help.:) Just remember Dave..."The oxen is slow, but the earth is patient" . Isn't that a great line? Wish it were mine but it comes from the Movie "High Road To China."
    It will all be worth the pain Dave when you're standing on the rim of the Canyon over looking the Snake River. Rest well boys and keep us updated,  Chuck

----- Original Message -----

From: joanie
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 10:03 PM
Subject: "The Grand Canyon Trip 2003"

Dave, gosh I feel bad for you!  What an inopportune time to be having back problems!  I just wanted you to know that Tim and I are praying for you to feel better and be back on the road real soon.  Wish there was something I could do to help...............Love,    Joan

----- Original Message -----
From: Hayes
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 10:49 PM
Subject: "The Grand Canyon Trip 2003"

Dave  (aka, "Father of the great Eckman tribe!),
Hang in there.  Our advice - super strength Ben Gay.  Hope you're all back in the saddle tomorrow!  Good luck!
Pape and Vickie
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 1:29 AM
Subject: hello from Auburn

What a dream,
     Just you guys, the bikes, and the road. what a dream. matt has been letting me ride his bike some and there is a fire in my soul now. Your trip is just fueling this need to ride. This web site is such a good idea. It allows anybody to to ride along with you vicariously. I hope that one day I can get the boys together for a ride like this one. But you guys did it. The hardest step is getting everybody together and just going, and you guys did it. Everything else just falls in place when you are on the road. It is a real bummer about Big dave's back, good luck with that. I look foreward to reading each day's write up and the pics, keep it comin, and keep on keepin on.
                                                                                       Lauton Sutley

----- Original Message -----

From: Rod Sr.
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003
Subject: Dave's Back is DooDoo ..

Dave .... I'm sitten here shaken my head ... cause ask Jr.  I've been down and out with my back from time to time and I KNOW what you are going thru ..... I think you guys are doing the right thing .. taking the day off and all .... and now if you guys just leave out early in the morning with a borrowed pillow or two sorta squinched up behind you ... well you may be able to squirm around and find some comfortable positions to sit in ... we'll see huh ? .... well I wish you the best and I sure will be praying for special back dispensations ...

Keep us all informed and may the force be with you ...

Rod Sr.  

----- Original Message -----

From: Ronica Burt
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 10:34 PM
Subject: "The Grand Canyon Trip 2003"

                                                                   Hey Guys!  Sounds like your having fun ! A little tired, (a couple of these guys are gettin on up there! lol) but well worth the trip! Are ya homesick yet? Hunter keeps asking where his Daddy is! The pictures are
so cool, we have really enjoyed them. That was so neat getting to see Sam teach, I bet those kids were so tickled to see REAL
motorcycle men! Well, gotta go, be careful and have fun!!!!!!!      Love, Ronica & the boys

----- Original Message -----

From: Ronica Burt
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 8:14 PM
Subject: "The Grand Canyon Trip 2003"

hey wuts up hope u r having a good time love you, bubba
ps. michael says hey 

----- Original Message -----

Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 3:04 PM
Subject: "The Grand Canyon Trip 2003"

Hey Guys!
Looks like everything is going great and lots of fun is had by all. The only problem is you missed a great Auburn win over Tennessee. We like the updates! It's great to read and view all the experiences. You need to make sure you relish every moment for those of us who enjoy excitement in life. Take care of each other,  no wheelies!
Hey Dave - I really enjoyed Sue going with me to BOW, we had a very good time.  I learned to Fly fish and other fishing techniques, while Sue learned more about Camp Cooking and shooting pistols. 
Shane & Peg

----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 12:52 PM Subject: "The Grand Canyon Trip 2003"

Hey Fellas,

Thanks for stopping by Seward. I know Sam really enjoyed the visit, as did I. Your faces brought back many happy memories of the Gulf Shores. I would love to visit again. Yes, Rob, Josh and I still want that piano for our band JACKIE O. We'll grab it soon. You've got snake eyes for a good bargain. Well, Seward will always welcome you back with open arms and empty college kid pockets! :-) Thanks for everything! Keep on biking! The road is long, but eventually it will lead you all back home. Strawberry Fields Forever Peace The Kareoke King Ladd N. Wendelin

----- Original Message -----

From: Hayes
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 8:51 PM
Subject: "2003 - Grand Canyon Trip"

Hey B "G" J!
Enjoying your photos and commentary!  Keep it commin'.  I know you all must be having a grand time and bet Sam wishes he were going on w/you all.  You all take it easy and don't get toooooooo tired.
We love ya,
Pape and Vickie

----- Original Message -----

Sent: Monday, October 06, 2003 12:40 PM
Subject: "The Grand Canyon Trip 2003"

Hey from Phoenix!
Looks like you guys are having fun!  I hear you'll be coming through in a few days, so you'd better call!  I'd love to see some fellow Southerners!   Have a safe trip, and enjoy all the scenery.

----- Original Message -----

From: Susan Lord
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 11:35 AM
Subject: "The Grand Canyon Trip 2003"

Hey you guys!  Enjoying the comments and pictures.  Jimmy is so jealous.  Maybe one day he can join you.  Take care of each other and have loads of fun.  Or maybe you can another trip and take along the women.  lol  Be safe.
Susan Lord

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2003 7:58 AM
Subject: "The Grand Canyon Trip 2003"

GO FOR IT GUYS!!!!  Hope you are having a great trip!!!  We'll be watchin'
Boo & D


Sunday October 5th, 2003 

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2003 8:37 PM
Subject: "The Grand Canyon Trip 2003"

Ya'll have fun and take care of Old Man Eckman!!!!
Johnny Gottler

Sent: Saturday, October 04, 2003 7:22 PM
Subject: "The Grand Canyon Trip 2003"

    All right Damnit, That's it. I'm going next time...How much for the 'saki Rod...Tell ya what...I'll just fly banners til you tell me it's paid for...How bout that? Looks like a load of fun...
    Be careful guys, the deer only get bigger as you go west...If your about to hit one, just pop a wheelie...Really, it works, saw it in a movie once :)...
    Something about that picture of you guys just makes me think of Everett, Pete and Delmar. :)  just wish I was "with you fellers".

The Mississippi man of constant sorrow (It's me... Chuck )   :)

----- Original Message -----

From: "Amanda Louise Burkart" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2003 11:45 PM
Subject: "The Grand Canyon Trip 2003"

> Hey from Phoenix!
> Enjoyed looking at the site--looks like you're having fun!  Tell Big
> Dave hello and try not to lose him again!  When are you planning on
> being in the great state of Arizona?  Take care and have a safe trip!
> Amanda(LuLu)


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, October 04, 2003 11:46 PM
Subject: "The Grand Canyon Trip 2003" 2003"

Hey ya'll, it's Shane and Traci. Cool Web site...I didn't even realize ya'll had left yet! Are we still to expect ya'll in CA soon? Awesome rides out here, weather is unbelievable! Hope to see ya soon, ya'll know you have a place to stay when you get here! Can Traci and Devan hitch a ride back to Alabama?!!!

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2003 1:50 AM
Subject: "The Grand Canyon Trip 2003"

From: Mac & Spud
War Damn Eagle!!! (from spud) Roll Tide (even though they suck from Mac) just wondering what yall are up to. This site is cool. Yall are now world wide motorcycle dudes. Just a few bad ass bikers. Anyway have fun and be carefull. We'll keep in touch.
                                                                                                                                      da boyz
P.s. dont pick up to many hot chicks
yall bunch of studs!!!!!

Editors note: ... now I like this one below .. its about FOOOOD !!! .... also I have abbreviated out all the normal momma mush ... *g* ... and forwarded the original to Veeg ... sheeeshhhh mothers ya can't live withum or be born widdoutum ... 

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2003 7:48 AM
Subject: "The Grand Canyon Trip 2003"

BJ .... 

Looks like you are having a wonderful time.  Any chance of stopping at the farm on your return?  If you can, I will have a feast waiting with a welcoming crowd.


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2003 3:44 PM
Subject: "The Grand Canyon Trip 2003"

Hi Guys!  What a great adventure you are on!  I really like this web site and will be checking everyday to see what is happening with you.  Be happy, be safe, and hold it in line!    Oh, and WAR EAGLE!
Love,  Joan   (Dave's sister


Saturday October 4th, 2003 
Hey Rod Jr. and guys.......
Hope all is going well and you are having an awesome time........Be great when Rod Sr. can make a trip with you all......I am sure he would add some unbelievable times to the trip...........LOL.....
stay safe and have a blast.........


Hi guys,

Sounds like a truly interesting challenge !  I realize now that I need more adventure in my life !

Have a goodun.



Rod Jr.  ...

Sounds like you guys are havin a great time .. and lots of gas stops ! ... *g*
I'm just wonderin are you guys going out via I40 ???  ..... and it does seem that there is a "Last Gas for 75 Miles" sign out there somewhere ... Dave and Nicki may have to stop and buy a couple of BMWs ? .... 
Looks like Total Distance: 1453.05 miles
Total Estimated Time: 23 hours, 40 minutes ... of course I know the time is probably gonna be reduced ...
and just curious to know how much time you have for this  adventure ???

.... keep having a Great Time and enjoy those Gas Stops .... 

Rod Sr..


Friday October 3, 2003 - From the editor Rod Sr

....   Arrrgh they're off on yet another Great Adventure and here I sit at home with a not quite working BMW R80ST ! seen below 
as it aughta be looking parked at the Canyon !

.... and below is the bike I want someday ..
 the Mighty Suzuki Intruder ! ....

Oh well .... But getting back to the trip ! .....  man I hate it when this "Home Alone" stuff happens ! ... oh well I guess we can all vicariously share in this adventure ...

Yooz guyz write often .... and take lots a pittchurs !!! and have a Great Trip !!! ....  
... and May the Force Be with yooz ...